Name:Diego or James
(Call me DJ for short)
Character Name: Diego, And Hypnotize
Age: 15
Timezone: +12
What times are you online: Umm.. Maybe 12am - 9pm? Depends on when I wake up
GM Experience: None.. But I know all the Basic GM Commands though.. like
!Map [id] - Sends you to the [id]
!Jail [charname] - Sends the [char] to jail.. Can't escape
!Jail 2 [charname] - Sends the [char] to the Zakum jail. You can escape by giving up 10m
!Warp [charname] - Warps you to the player.
!spawn [monsterid] [howmany] [hp] [exp] - Spawns the [amount] of [monsterid] Optional - use the [hp] and [exp] to customize the monsters hp and exp..
and more.. Im quite familiar with all of them
Why We Should Pick You? I've played MapleStory for over 3 years.. well 2 actually because I quitted for 1 year... Anyways I'm not like other GMs from the other servers that ABUSE their power. I am really active too..
If I had GM Powers: I do not ban for no reason nor jail for no reason I give a warning to a player for doing something wrong.. If they repeat it. I count to 15.. if they dont listen I send them to jail for 5mins.. NOT 5 weeks. 5mins. I give hackers a temporary ban. If they do it again.. I'll Give em' a special treatment of The Mighty BanHammer and send them to the Dark Abyss of Bannage.
Edit: Woops i wasnt playing for 4 years ;x ::mistake::